Tuesday, January 16, 2007

bleach got in my eye

I sprayed Tilex on the shower ceiling this morning. I was brushing away the stains and a big drop of straight up chlorine plopped into my left eye. It really burns. I went to the CDC's poison control site and it said to rinse your eye with water for 15-20 minutes. I don't see how you could rinse your eye with water for even 1 minute. I'm glad I have an extra eye. How are people supposed to clean their shower ceiling? I know what they are NOT supposed to do. Gravity was a foe this morning. If I could suspend gravity for a moment, I would clean the shower ceiling and try to think of something else to do right quick that could only be done while gravity was suspended.


Katie B said...

Owwwie! That hurts even worse than toothpaste! I sorry... :(

tatum said...

yikes caroline. that does NOT sound fun. you should not do that again. amy says you should take better care of your eyes...and she wanted to be a nurse once so she knows. we suggest high school lab goggles. although suspending in air sounds pretty sweet.

i blogged today. it was frustrating. pictures take a long time to upload here in africa.

AnnieBlogs said...

Not good, Caroline.

What else would you do if gravity was suspended?

I would throw globs of water at people.

anna mo said...

I love blogs that make me laugh out loud while im sitting all by myself at my computer. And that made me laugh. a lot. I love you Mrs. Caroline!!

Bekah said...

You're so funny... even in your pain. I'll see you tomorrow maybe?

Michael said...

Okay so I'm also being sucked into this blog vacuum because it needs to be done...if you had asked your husband if he ever wears safety glasses when he is using a saw or paint or any hazardous objects flying into your eye, then you would know that trying to use bleach upside down asking for a drop to burn your eyeball out...well....come to Ghana and we'll help train you in a better method.