Monday, June 11, 2007

our buddies

Sharliss and Katherine are coming to spend the week with us! We're so excited. You see, they are the most famous bloggers I know. Their site has over 76,000 hits. Freakishly amazing, huh? You can see why they are so popular at:

It was a day just like today. I was wasting time, watching the street out front, making up beds, waiting for my buddies. Our great friends, the Arnolds, had just moved away to Nashville. We were excited for their new opportunities but sad because we would miss them so much. They were coming to spend the night with us and catch up on all that was going on. As it got later and later I decided to call and check their progress. Sharliss answered her cell phone, but she didn't sound so good. She had forgotten that they were coming. It was Sunday, September 10, 2006 and they were at Vanderbilt with a sudden diagnosis of Leukemia for their beautiful 14 year old daughter.

I wonder how they will make it through. I wonder how.

But, when I look back, I wonder WOW! It's a wonder how they've come this far! They are plain ol' wonderful and I'm full of wonder as I sit here waiting for them again. I just called Sharliss and they are on their way, no trouble today. Come see us if it's been awhile since you saw the power and grace of God in person.

KJ and her Daddy (aka Mike's bff David)

1 comment:

Katie B said...

Yay, the Arnolds are coming, the Arnolds are coming!

Hurry, won'tcha?